Our Curriculum


    'We want each and every child to leave Markeaton with resilience, empathy, a strong sense of equality and confidence at the core of everything they do.  We want our children to experience a challenging and immersive curriculum which will encourage them to become responsible and ambitious citizens of the future; looking back positively on their time at Markeaton.'

    To help us achieve our school vision (above), and central to the intent of our curriculum, are our Markeaton MINDS - also known as Markeaton Acheiosaurus in Foundation Stage Two (see inner circles below).  These are taught alongside specific subject knowledge and skills and are referenced in lessons, assemblies and lots of other fun and imaginative ways which the children can engage with.  Our Curriculum Families (the next inner circle) then work together to steer subject content and pedagogy and Department Teams craft the teaching and learning experiences for their children in the classroom.  

    Foundation Stage Two

    Year One to Year Six

    FS2-KS1-LKS2-UKS2 Curriculum Overviews 2023

    Other links to help you understand our Curriculum Intent include:

    Twitter Feeds and 'Everything You Need To Know' booklets on each Class Page:

    Foundation Stage Two (also known as Reception)

    Year One
    Year Two
    Year Three
    Year Four
    Year Five
    Year Six


    At Markeaton we want our curriculum to do lots of different things (see outer circles in images above).  For example, we want our curriculum to make links and connections, we want our curriculum to value diversity, we want our curriculum to be challenging and ambitious.

    To acheive this, we plan and deliver a rich programme of memorable learning experiences which are adapted to meet the needs of all our children.  Termly topics, as seen on each class page (see links above) overarch a range of discrete and cross curricular lessons designed to help children develop a broad ‘schema’ of knowledge, which links and grows as they know more and remember more. 

    'Small Steps', are our own interpretation of the  National Curriculum, help children to know and remember more by providing a progressive pathway for each subject, clearly defined by strands/themes that are regularly revisited and built upon. 

    We ensure all learning throughout school provides opportunities for children to practise and refine their Markeaton MINDS/Markeaton Acheivosaurus skills.   We also ensure children are exposed to a range of rich, engaging arts and cultural experiences that are vital to their well-being and holistic development, including musical instrumental lessons, a range of after-school clubs, residential trips, theatre and museum trips and visitors in school. 


    We are proud of every child who leaves our school, the progress they make as individuals and the difference they will go on to make.  Formal and informal assessments (see School Results) take place regularly to gather information about the progress being made by pupils – this happens moment to moment in class, through plenaries and quizzes, Fast and Final Fours and also by formal, statutory assessments.  Departments meet together to discuss pupil progress and consider the best ways forward to support all pupils both in terms of academic achievement and personal development.  Our school philosophy, ‘Grow and Learn Together’ encompasses our passion for all children to leave Markeaton ready and equipped for the next steps on their journey and become all we hope they can be!

    Curriculum Presentation for Governors 

    New School Development Priorities for 2024/25 coming soon...

    Our School Development Priorities for 2023-24:

    • To further enhance continuous provision across FS2 and Y1;
    • To develop and embed the use of technology;
    • To improve progress in Writing and Maths from Y2 to Y6;
    • To design and deliver a program of CPD to subject leaders from local schools.

    How will we do this?

    Below you will find an Action Plan for each priority written above.  It includes: Objectives, Actions, Cost, who is responsible and Success Criteria (how we will know we have met our target):

    Action Plan for each priority 2023-24

    Further below you will also find Action Plans for each subject (arranged into Curriculum Families) and how they will contribute towards these whole school priorities:


    Art Action Plan 2023-24

    Music Action Plan 2023-24

    Phonics Action Plan 2023-24

    Reading Action Plan 2023-24

    Writing Action Plan 2023-24


    Computing Action Plan 2023-24

    Maths Action Plan 2023-24

    Science Action Plan 2023-24

    DT Action Plan 2023-24


    PE Action Plan 2023-24

    PSHE Action Plan 2023-24


    Geography Action Plan 2023-24

    History Action Plan 2023-24

    RE Action Plan 2023-24


    EYFS Action Plan 2023-24