Personal Development

    At Markeaton, we all work together to provide a safe, happy learning environment, so that every child can explore their potential.

    Children are encouraged to use their Markeaton MINDS and showcase the school values of: Care, Curiosity and Determination as much as they can; both inside and outside of the classroom.

    Our vision is to create responsible and ambitious citizens of the future who demonstrate empathy, resilience and a strong sense of equality.  Alongside our subject curriculum, we look to build this through our personal development curriculum, which consists of the following areas (we see it a bit like a sandwich):



    KS1 and KS2


    There are lots of ways we deliver this curriculum, including:

    • Assemblies;
    • Arts performances e.g. Dance/Music/Singing;
    • Headteacher Tea Party;
    • Inter-House Competitions;
    • Classroom Lessons e.g. PSHE/RE;
    • Themed days e.g. World Mental Health Day, Children in Need;
    • Themed weeks e.g. Enterprise Week, Arts Week, Science Week;
    • School trips and/or visitors to the school e.g. Diwali dancing;
    • Working with Charities e.g. fundraising for Cancer Research;
    • Working with local and global partnerships e.g. YMCA Derbyshire, MINI Police and Connecting Classrooms (British Council);
    • Certain roles within school e.g. Eco Council, School Council,

    We also encourage children to share their experiences outside of school.  This might be visits to certain places of interest, clubs they attend or awards they have received.  We want children to understand the world around them and how they can make a positive contribution.  And a way we do this is with the Markeaton Personal Development Passport...

    The children set themselves targets and plan how they will meet the criteria for each one. These targets are personal to them and reflect either home or school aspirations. For example, they might choose to learn how to tie their shoelaces, know their 4x table off by heart or to practise their instrument 3 times a week for 4 weeks.

    These achievements are then celebrated and a new target is chosen by the pupil.