School Development Priorities

    As a school we are continually evaluating where the school’s strengths are and where we need to improve.  This involves consultation with all stakeholders, including children, staff, parents/carers and members of the local community.  This process enables us to create our School Improvement Priorities, whereby we focus on four or five key targets and establish, as a team, how best to meet them and move the school forward.


    1. To embed continuous provision across Y1 (continuation of last year's target);
    2. To improve reading comprehension skills from Y1 to Y6
    3. To further enhance children's outdoor learning experiences
    4. To improve editing, spelling and handwriting from Y1 to Y6

    Action Plans for 4 x Whole School Development Priorities 2024-25

    How will we do this?

    Below you will find an Action Plan for each priority written above.  It includes: Objectives, Actions, Cost, who is responsible and Success Criteria (how we will know we have met our target):


    Music Action Plan 2024-25

    Phonics Action Plan 2024-25

    Reading Action Plan 2024-25

    Writing Action Plan 2024-25


    Science Action Plan 2024-25

    Computing Action Plan 2024-25

    DT Action Plan 2024-25

    Maths Action Plan 2024-25


    PE Action Plan 2024-25

    PSHE Action Plan 2024-25


    History Action Plan 2024-25

    RE Action Plan 2024-25

    Geography Action Plan 2024-25


    EYFS Action Plan 2024-25



    Review of school development priorities 2023-24

    Review of Whole School Development Priorities 2023-24


    • To further enhance continuous provision across FS2 and Y1;
    • To develop and embed the use of technology;
    • To improve progress in Writing and Maths from Y2 to Y6;
    • To design and deliver a program of CPD to subject leaders from local schools.

    How will we do this?

    Below you will find an Action Plan for each priority written above.  It includes: Objectives, Actions, Cost, who is responsible and Success Criteria (how we will know we have met our target):

    Action Plans for 4 x Whole School Development Priorities 2023-24

    Further below you will also find Action Plans for each subject (arranged into Curriculum Families) and how they will contribute towards these whole school priorities:


    Art Action Plan 2023-24

    Music Action Plan 2023-24

    Phonics Action Plan 2023-24

    Reading Action Plan 2023-24

    Writing Action Plan 2023-24


    Computing Action Plan 2023-24

    Maths Action Plan 2023-24

    Science Action Plan 2023-24

    DT Action Plan 2023-24


    PE Action Plan 2023-24

    PSHE Action Plan 2023-24


    Geography Action Plan 2023-24

    History Action Plan 2023-24

    RE Action Plan 2023-24


    EYFS Action Plan 2023-24