This page is to read alongside our SEND, RSE and Equality webpages
As part of Derby City’s commitment to inclusion, the Local Authority's Inclusion Group has introduced something called an Inclusion Charter for 2022/23.
This Inclusion Charter, which is essentially an agreement between schools and the Local Authority, will act as a common code of practice for schools in Derby and there is an expectation that Primary and Secondary schools sign up.
Developed by the Inclusion Group, it sets out five key principles for an inclusive school. Underpinning this is a universal approach, cycle of support and a directory of support to enable schools to fulfil the charter. The vision is to see an inclusive school culture across the city, supporting key strategies to ensure there is one overarching inclusion plan for Derby.
In order to further enhance our inclusive ethos, we have signed up to the Charter and will be attending various modules of training throughout the year.
Here is a short video explaining the Inclusion Charter:
Derby Inclusion Charter Video - YouTube
Alongside the Derby City Virtual School (who oversee and support looked after children and children with a social worker in the city), we have also accessed Attachment and Trauma training for all teaching staff. This has now been completed and we are the first school in Derby to be identifed as an Attachment and Trauma Aware school:
Here is one of the certificates we recieved showing that we have completed the training:
Certificate of Completion 22/23
And here is our Action Plan to show how we plan to follow up on our training:
Action Plan for Trauma and Attachment 2022-25
Inclusion Charter logo