Sometimes, if a child needs to reflect on their behaviour in school, they will go to The Reflection Area held in Mr. Johnson’s office at morning break. It is an opportunity for the children to really reflect on their behaviour and think carefully about how they will learn from their mistake. They are asked three questions nd fill out the sheet below:
Why have you been sent to Reflection today?
How do you think the other person felt and why?
What are you going to do next to make things better?
If a child is sent to the Reflection Area three times in a term, then the child’s Parents/Carers are invited into school for a meeting with Mr. Johnson and the child’s teacher. These instances are rare, but as a school we are keen to be firm but fair on low level disturbances in the classroom and keep parents/carers as informed as possible about their child’s behaviour.
Please click on the link below to see the Reflection Sheet they are asked to complete.