Pupil Wellbeing

    Children’s mental health and well-being, as you may have come across in the news quite frequently over the last few months, is being reported on more and more.  With a range of issues surrounding social media, self-esteem, social mobility and diet, among many others, it is clear that there is a nationwide concern emerging around children’s mental health - with the the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge now heavily involved with Place2Be.

    What’s also apparent is that this issue is not specific to any particular age group, with children in primary schools, secondary schools and further education being recognised.  It is fair to say that there is no ‘magic fix’ to this, but at Markeaton we are always trying to think of new ways to support children’s mental health and the worries they may have, whether it be Hub Club, nurture groups, breakfast club, early help assessments (EHAs), liaising with parents/carers or simply providing time out for a child to speak to our Learning Mentor or a member of staff.  As of Summer 2019, we have also created Markeaton's very first Mental Wellbeing Council and they delivered their first assembly on Monday 29th April (click on the link below).  Their roles in school will be really important so keep an eye on Twitter for any updates.

    Our Community/Nurture/Breakfast/'HubClub' Room!

    However, despite all that we do, there is always that worry that someone is not having their voice heard.  During Children's Mental Health Week (something we recognise every year), the children take part in a number of activities designed to support positive mental health.  This year, we decided to look at five ways to wellbeing (see below) and we even set some of the older children the challenege of giving up their phones for one week so they could find new ways to connect and be active.

    Well-being display in the main corridor

    Mental Health, whether it is children or adults, can have a rather negative stigma attached to it, yet we believe that by raising the profile of this very important issue then only good things can come from it.

    A happy child is a happy learner! 

    Please click on the link below to watch the 'Big Assembly' - an assembly attended by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the subject of children's mental health:

    Mental Wellbeing Assembly 29.4.19 ( and meet the new Wellbeing Council)

    '5 ways to wellbeing' video

    Children's Mental Health Assembly 4.2.19 (new)

    You Tube video of the 'Big Assembly'


    BBC Primary Mental Health films

    Children's Mental and Emotional Wellbeing 0-25

    Coping with stress - video for children

    The Expert Parents' Guide to Childhood Anxiety


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