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    School Council

    *NEW*' Our School Council works as a team to ensure that all pupils have an equal voice for their thoughts and opinions that can contribute to making changes and improving the school'.

    Hi, we’re the school councillors!

    It is our responsibility to make this school the best it can be.  We have class council to discuss issues and ideas of the pupils.  Our job is to try and solve the problems in a calm and positive way.  Then we listen to your ideas and try to put them into action by bringing them up in our school council meetings.  At the meetings, all the class representatives come together to report all of the students problems.  On top of that, we will help you try and acknowledge the questions you wish to be answered.  School councillors also decide what we do for our fund raising and the money we raise from it.

    Finally, if you need anything or have any queries feel free to talk to us during lunch or break and come and check out our new display board outside the Community Room!

    Minutes 2023/24

    Minutes 2022/23

    Minutes from School Council Meetings: